Auswald "Oz" Robineau II
Merchant | Scholar | Acquisition Specialist | Mage
I close my eyes, and I can see; a world that's waiting up for me


Auswald "Oz" Robineau II, is half Rava, half Wildwood, and 8' tall to show for it. He's a merchant by technicality in that he acquires things and sells things. The ways he goes about acquiring things ranges from blasé normal barter and trade to "technically legal, since they don't really have a law about stealing already stolen goods from smugglers (yet)." He dreams of saving up enough to take a million more classes at Sharlayan and finally get his archon marks (along with the handful of degrees he's already grabbed). He will insist that is all there is to him.Which brings us to the most important point: Oz lies.His academic fascination is with deeply dangerous magics, and he currently makes the vast majority of his earnings by both being the merchant connection to the outside world for sequestered Viera tribes, and by deep diving through Mhachi ruins (read: he's a knock off Lara Croft).He's also in the middle of a divorce with his mate of 30 years, freshly has a new boyfriend, and is adamantly in denial about the deep feelings he has for a dear friend. He's a mess, an alcoholic, and the smartest idiot you'll ever meet.

Korinthos "Rin" Djt-marouc
Ex-mate. They were together 30 years. Oz still has Rin's bitemark over his heart. They split extremely recently. It's a very sore subject.

Castor Lynell / Golem
Oz met Castor way back before the accident that got him possessed by Golem. Castor slept for 100 years, and when he woke up, wasn't expecting to see a familiar face. They're now dating (even if it took Oz a fair bit to realize it). Oz's research has taken a sharp turn these days as he's now seeking ways to prolong Castor's life. He knows the end is rapidly coming, but he'll do anything to buy more time.Golem, however, sees Oz in a much more basic light. In her words, he's her "favorite dildo." Oz has no comment on the matter.

Ciceroix Valeriant
Oz spent three years hunting down an art forger with the skill to replicate wards and sigils from eras long past. Said forger, Ciceroix, didn't make it fucking easy. But finally, Oz caught up and told him about his replication plans--offered to cut him in on half the earnings. Ciceroix agreed, so long as he could teach Oz the art of the con. They've since grown rather close."How close?" you ask, winking.What are you, a cop?

Finn Andor
Unfortunately for Captain Andor, stealing directly from smugglers is one of the best ways for a wily scholar to get his hands on valuable artifacts worth studying. This means Finn has been dealing with Oz robbing him en route for nearly 20 years. Oz, by virtue of just being Oz, managed to befriend Finn anyways. They used to be incredibly close. And then something horrible happened. Shortly after, Finn went missing for a year. Neither of them will talk about it, but Oz didn't have that scar over his eye before.Oz remembers his friend and mourns the angry, bitter person he became. Occasionally, he can be spotted trying to coax laughter out of Finn anyways. Occasionally, it works.

Aria Forzane
In the many classes Oz has enrolled himself in over 60-something years at Sharlayan, he never once placed anywhere but first in his class.Until Aria showed up. She beat his scores handily, then left the class mid-semester. Oz knows perfectly well that if she'd stayed, his flawless streak would've been shattered. He has never forgotten this. He considers her his rival.

Rin's sister and Oz's oldest friend/confidant. Things have been a little weird since the split, but Seva has always been a loyal friend to Oz (including telling her brother to get his shit together regularly).

Ursalin Odeeve
Ever since they met, they've been inseparable. Oz trusts Ursa more than just about anyone in the world, and is far more protective of the man than he realizes. Even counting that one time he shot Ursa's ex. Ursa has harbored feelings for Oz for a long, long time, and Oz is... difficult to pin down. Their relationship remains undefined.

Nathaerus Reauloix
Nathaerus grew up in the Brume, idolizing The Curator. So naturally, when he found his hero caught on the brig of the ship he was working at, he leapt at the chance to both help him escape and sleep with him in the process. Since that first encounter, Oz has considered Nathaerus a friend and an ally, going out of his way to say hello should Nathaerus be aboard the ships he stole from. Now that he's discovered the hero thing, though, he's absolutely insufferable about it.
A Merchant...
In the market for artifacts, antiques, pigments, specialty spell components, tomes, or other rarities? Oz is your guy. He's been in the business of rarities for a long, long time--ask around at any market and his name will come up.A Scholar...
Have you ever taken classes in Sharlayan? You might have run into Oz! He takes classes there whenever he can afford to do so, and has been slowly accruing degrees by the handful, over dozens of different subject matters. Someday he hopes to win archon marks.An Acquisition Specialist...
Are you in the smuggling business? Transport of any kind? Or did you grow up in the Brume? You might've heard tales of The Curator. A famous thief described as an Elezen with long purple hair that seemed to appear out of nowhere, steal artifacts, then disappear in the blink of an eye. Stranger still, he often returned the artifacts later. ...Often. Not always. Stranger yet, he never seems to age, despite having been at it for over 40 years.(If you were to ask Oz to braid his ears back, and maybe don some prosthetic Elezen ears he happens to have, there might be an uncanny resemblance.)A Mage...
Keep an eye on Oz whenever he casts anything. The methodology he uses is... wrong. Very, very, very dangerous, and wrong. He borrows from one source, pays it back with another, and so on and so forth until his need for a catalyst or any use of his own aether is minimal... so long as he never messes up.A Companion...
Ever had a one night stand with a charming stranger? It could've been Oz! He probably does not remember just yet, but he'd be delighted for the chance to recall all the details. ((OOC note: Feel free to assume they've had an ordinary one night stand--no major character impact without explicit discussion first, please!))
1. IC is not OOC; I am not Oz! Oz is a giant flirt, but I'm simply your bud. I am not open for IRL flirting or romantic/sexual relationships of any kind. Friends only!2. I'm open to all forms of RP, all ratings, etc.! My favorites by far are horror, comedy, plot/narrative heavy, and romance as a form of character exploration. I'm not into ERP for the sake of ERP. Don't make me play "whose limb is that anyways" when there isn't even plot/character development happening.Shipping note: if you want to try and romance Oz (either as a quick fling or as a long term thing), please be forewarned: he will ACTIVELY resist this. It will be, by DEFAULT, an extremely slow burn. If this sounds frustrating, I would recommend looking elsewhere!3. Walk-up /say or /tell are both fine and encouraged! Please note that I'm super dyslexic. I have a bunch of plug-ins running that will ping me and highlight messages if Oz's name is mentioned, and lots of other tools to help me parse active venues. However, those aren't foolproof! If I ignored you, I absolutely did not mean to and I'm sorry!! Send me a /tell to make sure I see whatever the message is! Especially in crowded venues, I will love you forever if you use /tell or make sure to hit one of the pings every time you post.4. In-game or Discord interactions are both fine! My Discord is #vasshoth6836 ! Please let me know what your in-game name is though, otherwise I will have no idea what's going on.5. I'm a big believer in asynchronous communication. No messages or posts need to be replied to instantly, ever. That's the magical thing about online communication! We can start and stop as we please, and the record is right there to reference! Please respect that this goes for me, too!6. Please be over 21 for any RP interactions!